艾尔登法环 API

Elden Ring Hero

艾尔登法环 API 提供了 FromSoftware 在 2022 年发行的迄今为止最伟大游戏艾尔登法环的一些内容说明,通过此文档您可以快速了解如何使用此 API。


This repositorie is forked eldenring-api. I can't thank Deliton enough who did all the hard work and motivated me to make it chinese possible.


艾尔登法环 API 的数据是基于 Deliton 整理的数据所作出的中文版本。中文翻译均使用 v1.3.2 版本 Elden Ring 中所定义的中文名称,因个人能力有限,目前仍有一些英文字段未能准确翻译。如果您有更好的意见,欢迎在我们的仓库中留下您的意见,更期待您的 Pr。:)

示例请求 (REST)

success: true,
count: 2,
data: [{
id: "17f69e47912l0i1z0lip3kamll88h",
name: "Blue Cipher Ring",
image: "https://eldenring-api.vercel.app/images/items/17f69e47912l0i1z0lip3kamll88h.png",
description: "Item for online play. Puts the wearer in ready state to answer should someone in another world call for rescue. You will be summoned to their world as a hunter. When summoned to rescue another player, your objective will be to defeat the invader.",
scaling: "Reusable",
effect: "Enables the wearer to answer calls for rescue"
id: "17f69cb5ad0l0i1z0lpxlgghg1a5nd",
name: "White Cipher Ring",
image: "https://eldenring-api.vercel.app/images/items/17f69cb5ad0l0i1z0lpxlgghg1a5nd.png",
description: "Item for online play. Allows you to automatically request for a hunter from another world to come to your rescue when your world is invaded. (You may be unable to summon rescuers under certain circumstances). A lost mystic code, enchanted to take the form of a ring. One of the fetishes said to have been bestowed by the Two Fingers.",
scaling: "Reusable",
effect: "When invaded, request the aid of a hunter."

GraphQL 支持

GraphQL 是 Facebook 在 2015 年创建的一种开源数据查询和操作语言。与传统的 REST API 相比,它提供了一种更高效和可扩展的方式来访问和更新数据。

GraphQL 允许客户端从服务器获取他们指定需要的数据,从而减少所需的请求数量和带宽。 服务器还可以将多个查询批处理到一个请求中,从而提高性能。 您可以通过访问 https://eldenring-api.vercel.app/api/graphql 开始使用数据。

示例请求 (GRAPHQL)

让我们检索一个名为「Giant Lobster」的怪物,希望这个 API 返回 namelocationimage字段。 因此,您只需要发出一个POST请求并带上如下的GraphQL :

query {
creature(name: "Giant Lobster") {

GraphQL API 将会返回以下数据:

"data": {
"creature": [
"name": "Giant Lobster",
"location": "Liurnia of the Lakes",
"image": "https://eldenring-api.vercel.app/images/creatures/17f69d7f00al0i6ytxittgv1hoa7vg.png"